Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To blog or not to blog?

I have been apprehensive about starting a blog for a long time, although I am unsure as to why. I'm not entirely sure why...maybe its the fear of exposing myself to criticism, especially given the fact that I haven't written anything non-engineering related in at least four years. However, I've psyched myself up enough over the past few months, and I think it's time I started one. Here's a few reasons why:

  1. I spend an inordinate amount of time surfing the web and reading blogs. Friends, acquaintances, complete strangers - it doesn't matter, I'm addicted to them.
  2. If I spent half of this "lurking time" doing something semi-productive, I am bound to gain something from it.
  3. With the bulk of my days revolving around math, computers, and general engineering "stuff", I would like to do something creative. Is writing about your life and your thoughts very creative? Probably not, but it's more than I am doing now.
So there it is...more to come...hopefully...


kj said...

hello lauren! welcome to blogland. yes, writing about your life and writing about anything is very creative. i hope you enjoy every moment of it.


Lauren said...

Thanks so much KJ. I'm feeling more motivated just reading your comment!