Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today in FLA

This week there is some insanely huge convention at the Orange County Convention Center (which just so happens to be right down the road from the hotel in which I usually stay). Thanks, National Business Aviation Association. Due to you and your massive excuse to get together and get wasted every night, there were no rooms available at the Embassy, so I've been pushed to a hotel on the "other" side of International Drive...otherwise known as the cheesier, even more touristy area of town. I went for a jog around the area this evening and thought I'd mention some of the more interesting and amusing things I happened to run across.
  1. A man sitting on the sidewalk making very realistic looking roses out of dried palm leaves, presumably to sell to sightseeing couples.
  2. Not one, but two "British pubs". One of which which had an outdoor patio. Along with a sign advertising "Now with full liquor bar!" Very realistic, huh? These establishments are clearly aimed at...
  3. More British tourists than I could count. Why is Orlando such a draw for English people? Maybe it's the sunny weather? Or the palm trees? OK, OK, yes those are legitimate draws...but to travel 4,000 miles to come here? I will never understand it.
  4. At least six different groups of people walking towards me on the sidewalk, shoulder to shoulder, refusing to make way for me in the slightest, and forcing me to zig and zag to find a way around them. Yes, again, they were walking TOWARDS me. Reminded me of this amusing but oh-so-true blog entry by Caitlin.
  5. No less than five restaurants boldly advertising "ALL YOU CAN EAT!!" Pizza, pasta, lobster dinner, the famous Ponderosa Steakhouse...is it any wonder that we have an obesity problem in this country?
  6. Two other lone runners coming in the other direction that I passed not once, but twice (running loops in this area are few and far between). They both waved at me of course. People here are truly so friendly and I am having trouble getting used to it. A blog to come on that subject in the near future.
In the meantime, I am coming home on Friday, and am off for an entire week, going to Maine with the hubby for 5 fabulous days! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Caitlin said...

oh my GOSH, I don't even know where to begin commenting on this post! First of all, thanks so much for the link! It's a universal truth, no??

As for the obesity epidemic....AMEN SISTER. This is seriously a topic I could go on and on about. I have become kind of obsessed with nutrition over the past few years. Am I perfect? No. But I have really begun to understand that I just feel SO much better when I eat well and exercise - and my moods and blood sugar are so much more stable, too. This recently just CLICKED with me (blog to come, when I feel ready). So now I'm working on finding a balance that I can be happy with: It's okay to splurge sometimes, and it's healthy to not feel guilty about it.

And finally, my chowda-thick, ice cold New England-uh brain is still unsure of how, exactly, to process the FRIENDLY that I encounter down south. It's....foreign to me.


Anonymous said...

I hope you bring me back some roses!!